Friday 10 April 2015

King Star King Pilot review

I have an affinity for the weird. Be it surrealist painters like Salvador Dalí or Yves Tanguy, comics like back when Grant Morrison took drugs and defied genres, movies like Brasil, or cartoons, which can be weird for many different reasons. Be it the critical underdog Uncle Grandpa making the laws of reality bend over, or shows like Adventure Time, where an episode can be devoted to a religious person's fight against a demon worshipping piece of candy in a butler suit. So I will say right off the bat that what I have to say is in no way related to King Star King being weird.

The problem is, it's not good. At least the pilot, which was all I could find.

King Star King does the exact same thing as Xavier Renegade Angel, in that it thinks being crude and weird means it doesn't have to try to be good. And this is where it stumbles. It's characters are ill defined, manic, loud and stupid. The plot is rushed and boring. The jokes are vulgar and crude because that's what adult shows have to be about.

The episode starts, after some omniscient narrator guy calls King Star King "The greatest hero who ever was, is, or shall be", with King Star King and his Donald Duck sidekick blitzing through space graphically murdering random creatures in their path. We know nothing about these characters, and we just see random violence and that's supposed to be funny. King Star King wants to profess his love to Princess Snow White, finds the impossible big boobed Princess in a bath, the evil Spring Bunny reports this to the big, nasty, overly violent God King and he erases King Star King's memory and throws him down to the human world.

About twenty seconds later Snow White finds King Star King in the waffle place making waffles, restores his memory and makes that subplot completely pointless. Then the Spring Bunny abducts Snow White to use in a Virgin Powered robot. This leads to the gruesome death of the waitress, and the owner of the waffle joint being horribly mangled and dying. So King Star King has his duck sidekick put the guy's soul into a waffle mascot, and he goes after the Spring Bunny. As he is flying in his giant robot to steal the God King's crown and rule the universe he....tears off his own face for no reason. He gets the crown but KSK manages to defeat him by screwing Snow White and thus depriving the bunny of a power source, but the God King is a dick and banishes his daughter to the other side of the universe.

It's all over just so quickly, the characters are unlikeable and the voice acting is well, not really good. Overall it just feels like someone trying to be artsy with little effort, and throwing crude stuff against the wall hoping something sticks.

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